Clubhouse Programs

Our programs are organized around a belief that work, and work-mediated relationships, are restorative and provide a firm foundation for growth and important individual achievement (Beard, Propst, Malamud, 1982), and the belief that normalized social and recreational opportunities are an important part of a person's path to recovery.

Work Ordered Day

Members and staff work side by side, as colleagues to perform the work of the Clubhouse. Member participation is voluntary and focuses on strengths, talents, and abilities.

Employment Services

We support members in going back to work. Learn about our Employment Services!

Education Services

Whether it is help with applying for financial aid, registering for classes, or tutoring, members looking to go back to school can find support at the Clubhouse.

Wellness Programs

Mental and Physical health go hand in hand at the Clubhouse. Whether it is learning how to cook nutritiously or increasing your steps, we are here to help.

Socials & Chats

We work hard but also enjoy time together! From, in-house art nights to hikes at the beach, we believe that building meaningful connections with others leads to healthier lives.

Reach Out

Reaching out to members is a crucial part of our daily task. Whether calling a member to wish them Happy Birthday or to say that we miss them and want them to know how vital they are to our community; this process not only encourages embers to participate, but it is also an early warning system for members who are experiencing difficulties and may need extra help.


The Young Adult Program (YAP) is tailored to engage members between the ages of 18-35. This program focuses on engaging young adults in the work-ordered day through meaningful and intentional reach-out.

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