

You can make a real difference for people living with mental illness in San Mateo County. Every dollar counts!
California Clubhouse offers:
  • Safety: I am grateful for having friends that don’t abuse me. What California Clubhouse means to me is having people to connect with that have the same problems in life, mentally or physically, and being able to connect with that person and not having them do anything wrong to me. It’s a blessing. —Nicolas, member. 
  • Opportunity: I am grateful to the Clubhouse for the community it provides and for the job opportunities it made available to me.—Amaal, member and board member.
  • Community: I am thankful to the California Clubhouse for giving me friends and a new family.—Leslie, member. 
  • Life: I am grateful for the California Clubhouse because they saved my life. I’ve been in the Cubhouse for seven years now.  It is fun, it is exciting, it is wonderful.—Yvette, member. 

We have big hopes and plans for 2023. We are dreaming of a larger and better space for our programs. Members are working together to reach out to businesses to expand our supported employment efforts. 

Please make California Clubhouse part of your  giving plans. This has been a wonderful year—and your support will make next year even better! 

California Clubhouse is built on an accredited and proven model that focuses on excellence and mindful structure. This evidence-based, recovery-oriented program serves and supports adults living with mental health challenges.  Our values include:

  • Connecting: Membership is free and for life. Staff and members work collaboratively in developing community standards, running programs and doing the work of the community.

  • Learning: California Clubhouse, by engaging members in every aspect of the organization, encourages life-long learning and provides opportuntities to stretch and grow.  Further, the work ordered day offers a sense of structure and purpose for those living with mental illness.

  • Gathering:  The Clubhouse space is designed to encourage collaboration and friendship. Our hybrid model allows those who can't physically come to participate fully through on-line meetings or by coming to the Clubhouse. As we grow, our space and its design will evolve with us.

  • Growing:  At the Clubhouse, we support members in pursuing work and educational goals alike. We offer practical support ranging from mentoring to scholarships to supported employment programs.

  • Leading:  Members get invovled in the governing and administration of California Clubhouse and collaborate in our fundraising efforts.  Staff and members alike attend the Clubhouse International conference to stay abreast with and share best practices.

California Clubhouse has built deep roots in San Mateo County and is working to help members grow the wings they need to fly. Be a part of everything that is going on at Clubhouse to create safe and healthy spaces where healing happens. Make a donation today! Thank you for your support!