
"I have been coming to the Clubhouse since April. At the Clubhouse I feel very productive. I do the accounting, create forms, do data entry and perform outreach calls. Being at the Clubhouse has helped me out of my depression. I also have made many friends."

-Agnes (Clubhouse Member)

Program Benefits

Community Support

Clubhouse supports members in acquiring and keeping affordable housing; low-cost, nutritious meals; good mental and physical health; government disability benefits; and any other services needed.

Educational Opportunities

Clubhouse assists members to complete education that has been disrupted, or to start certificate or degree programs at academic or adult education programs. Members are also encouraged to tap their talents and abilities to provide educational opportunities in-house.

Volunteer Opportunities

Members can participate in social and commercial ventures that assist others in the community and result in professional skill building and increased opportunities to give back.  This may include participation in speaker series, media labs, retail initiatives and community service.

Personal Connections

Part of the daily work of the Clubhouse involves keeping track of members and building community. If a member does not show up at Clubhouse for a while, a “reach out” telephone call or visit is made to let the member know that he or she is missed. Teams also visit local psychiatric wards to spread cheer and invite others to join. Membership is voluntary, free, and good for life.

Decision Making and Governance

Members and staff meet in open forums to discuss policy issues and future planning for the Clubhouse. Members are also participants on the board of directors, influencing the direction from all levels of the organization.

Program Description

Work Ordered Day

Clubhouse provides meaningful work for all members through the work-ordered day. During business hours, members and staff work together as colleagues to run the program. Members volunteer as they feel ready and according to their interests. Clubhouse work includes cooking, cleaning, maintenance, gardening, outreach, marketing, fundraising, research, intake and orientation of new members, new staff orientation, evaluation of Clubhouse effectiveness, administering the paid employment programs, planning social activities, and assisting members to obtain services from the wider community.

The Clubhouse Work-Ordered Day goes from 8:30-5:00 Monday through Friday.

Transitional Employment (TE)

Clubhouse also provides members with opportunities to return to paid employment. In the Transitional Employment program, Clubhouse contracts with employers, trains members to do the job required, and assures that a member or staff person fulfills the commitment. These placements generally are part-time, include extensive support from the Clubhouse staff, and last from 6 – 9 months. When ready and able, members may move on to Supported Employment to get help in applying for and acquiring a job of their own. Even when achieving Independent Employment, assistance is always available at the Clubhouse or on-site, as requested, to help members meet their employment goals.

We are asking our friends, supporters, and community partners to help us develop our Employer Network. Want to help?

Social and Recreation

Clubhouse schedules structured and non-structured social activities for members outside the work-ordered day. On evenings and weekends, members and staff have the opportunity to get to know each other, make friends, and have fun. We celebrate all major holidays on their actual day.

Some of our past social outings include a trip to Alcatraz, museum visits, trips to the Monterrey Bay Aquarium and the San Francisco Academy of Science.

Recent News


Young Adult Program Launches!

Young Adult Program (YAP) – Utilizing a holistic model, California Clubhouse is supporting young adults living with mental illness in their efforts to build peer support networks, attend school, prepare for and enter the workforce, and become more independent. Recognizing the compounded effect of dealing with a mental illness, transitioning from adolescence to adulthood and striving to become a productive member of the community, the clubhouse is creating a system of support which integrates skill building rooted in peer engagement.


Health & Wellness Takes Flight

Health & Wellness Program  – Realizing the connection between mind and body, members and staff have the opportunity to exercise together during daily Fitness Focus time 12:30pm-1pm. Activities include wellness walks, Yoga, Zumba, cardio, strength building and much more.